
Linux desktop client

Steps to install

  1. Find the setup repository.
  2. Install the cloudflare-warp package depending on your distro:
    1. apt-based OS (e.g., Ubuntu) sudo apt install cloudflare-warp
    2. yum-based OS (e.g., CentOS or RHEL) sudo yum install cloudflare-warp

Using WARP

The command line interface is the primary way to use WARP.

Initial Connection

To connect for the very first time you must call register first:

  1. Register the client warp-cli register
  2. Connect warp-cli connect
  3. Run curl and verify that warp=on


Always stay connected

If you want to always stay connected to WARP you must call enable-always-on. This is the cli equivalent to switching the toggle switch to the on position in our GUI apps.

  1. Run warp-cli enable-always-on

Switching modes

You can use warp-cli set-mode --help to get a list of the modes to switch between. For instance:

  • DNS Only mode via DoH would be accomplished with warp-cli set-mode doh
  • WARP with DoH warp-cli set-mode warp+doh

Using for Families

The Linux client supports all for Families modes with either WARP on or in pure DNS only mode

  • Families off warp-cli set-families-mode off
  • Malware protection warp-cli set-families-mode malware
  • Malware + Adult Content warp-cli set-families-mode full

Additional commands

A complete list of all supported commands can be found by running warp-cli --help


You can find logs required to debug WARP issues by running sudo warp-diag. This will place a file in the path from which you ran the command.

To report bugs or provide feedback to the team use the command sudo warp-diag feedback. This will submit a support ticket.



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